​ ​​​​St. Pius Tenth



St. Pius X Music Ministry exists to lead our community in giving glory and praise to God.  We offer our musical gifts and talents in service to God and to the people of God, and our prayer is that our whole community would be inspired to worship God with their whole heart and soul.  As with every ministry, this is only possible through everyone hearing God's call and offering their gifts and talents with a true servants heart.

If you feel that God is calling you to volunteer in music ministry at St. Pius, please contact Clint Campbell at the Parish office at 270-684-4745 or via email ccampbell@stpiustenthparish.org

Practice Times

The Choir meets on Thursday nights at 6:00pm.

Cantors and other musicians meet one hour before their scheduled Mass in the music practice room.

***All other cantor practices, group practices, and meetings are scheduled as needed.  Please contact Clint Campbell for more details.***

  • Come O Holy Spirit Come (Pentecost Sequence)2:35

3418 Highway 144

Owensboro, KY  42303

270-684-4745 (Office)

270-684-2709 (Fax)

​270-684-5517 (Rectory)

Office Hours:  M-Th 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.   Friday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.

© Copyright. All Rights Reserved

Choir Practice Tracks